August 3, 2005
The Pastoral Council met August 3, 2005 in the St. Therese Parish and Education Center. Linda Winter, Brad Grill, Nancy Fahey and Joe Doetzl were present.
Facilitator: Linda Winter
Prayer: Linda Winter
Scribe: Joe Doetzl
Linda opened the meeting with a gospel reflection from Matthew.
We discussed a method and timeline for processing the information gained from the 3 Idea Generation meetings. We formed 4 sub-committees, one for each goal area. We proposed that the ideal size for the committees will be 5. We will need to ask staff members or others interested to help. This help could be solicited at the gathering meetings.
- Goal A – To form Catholic faith filled witnesses of Christ: Wayne, Tom
- Goal B – To create a more caring and personal parish community: Dennis, Nancy, Pris
- Goal C – To explore and channel our giftedness: Linda W., Brad, Fr. Mike
- Goal D – To enhance and develop leadership structures to support the parish Vision: Damian, Joe, Linda A.
We proposed a tentative timeline for publishing the results of our objective setting:
- 9/7 Pastoral Council Meeting – Begin to process information already received
- 9/8-9/30 Each sub-committee meets at least once, preferably twice to organize the information gained from the objective setting meetings into the committee’s respective goal area
- October – Consolidate and work into publishable form the results from the 4 sub committees at the 2 regularly scheduled Pastoral Council meetings.
Publish in Early November. - The take away from the objective setting meeting will be a prayer card with the 4 goals on the back.
Our next meeting is 8/17 at 6:30 the agenda will be to prepare for the objective setting meetings. Damian will facilitate, Joe will Scribe, Pris will prepare prayer.
Action Items:
- Tom – Create prayer and prayer card for meetings.
- Joe – Email council, solicit 4 volunteer facilitators for each objective gathering meeting
- Joe – Email call list of “interested respondents” to each goal committee
- Pris – Prepare prayer for next meeting
- Damian – Update Goals summary to reflect 3 objective meetings
- Sub Committees – invite interested parties to objective meetings
- Tom – produce list of staff to personally invite to objective meetings