October 19, 2005
The Pastoral Council met October 19, 2005 in the St. Therese Parish and Education Center. Wayne Snyder, Tom Skorupa, Nancy Fahey, Damian Gerstner, Linda Winter, Joe Doetzl and Linda Albani were present
Facilitator: Damian Gerstner
Scribe: Joe Doetzl
We opened with a prayer from the Leader’s Guide to “Our Hearts are Burning Within Us.”
Damian recapped the meeting he, Linda Winter and Wayne Snyder had with Fr. Mike and Mike Birkel. In this meeting the draft objectives we had developed were discussed with Fr. Mike and Mike Birkel. The reaction was favorable with a few suggested changes to some of the objectives. Fr. Mike recommended that we introduce objectives to the staff and the other leadership committees in the Parish.
This meeting has been scheduled for October 27th 7-9 in the Wooldridge Center. There was a lengthy discussion of the meeting format and objectives. The overall objectives for the meeting are:
- Prayer
- Allow parish leaders from varied committees to get to know each other
- Present the goals to key parish leaders
- If there is a natural fit for an existing committee to work on an objective, obtain their support.
- Prayer
- Ice Breaker
- Presentation of Goals & Objectives. Each goal area needs a different representative to speak.
- Personal reflection time
- Small group discussion (insert Linda’s sample reflection questions)
- Large Group Comments
- Closing Prayer
Next General Meeting is November 2 at 6:30. Prayer and facilitation have not been assigned.