Wednesday, October 20, 2004

October 20, 2004

Minutes of the Meeting of the St. Therese Pastoral Council
October 20, 2004

The Pastoral Council met October 4th, 2004 in the Wooldridge Center. Dennis Meier, Nancy Fahey, Tom Skorupa, Steve Hilliard, Joe Doetzl, Damian Gerstner, Wayne Snyder, Linda Winter, Linda Albani, Pris Pawlikowski, Brad Grill and Fr. Mike Roach were present.

Facilitator: Damian Gerstner
Prayer: Tom Skorupa
Scribe: Joe Doetzl

Tom led a Gospel reflection.

Damian led a discussion of the latest draft of the essential elements and their descriptors. Damian produced this draft based on the comments made at a sub-committee meeting on 10/13. Linda Winter, Nancy, Damian and Joe attended the sub-committee meeting.

Tom suggested strengthening the threads, especially evangelization.

Steve suggested a glossary of terms.

A suggestion was made to add an introductory paragraph.

The need to give the Parish time to reflect on the essential elements and the role of the pastoral council was discussed.

A sub-committee consisting of Fr. Mike, Pris, Dennis, Steve and Tom was formed. They will meet to discuss presenting the work of the council to the Parish.

Dennis, Tom and Nancy gave a brief report of their experience at a recent Diocesan Pastoral Council Day.

Everyone is to forward their comments on the current draft of the essential elements to Damian. Please cc everyone on any comments.

The next meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m 11/17. Joe will scribe. Pris will prepare the Prayer.

Monday, October 04, 2004

October 4, 2004 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of the St. Therese Pastoral Council
October 4, 2004

The Pastoral Council met October 4th, 2004 in the Wooldridge Center. Dennis Meier, Nancy Fahey, Tom Skorupa, Steve Hilliard, Joe Doetzl, Damian Gerstner, Wayne Snyder, Linda Winter, Linda Albani, Brad Grill and Fr. Mike Roach were present.

Facilitators: ?
Scribe: Joe Doetzl

Nancy, Linda and Damian led a discussion of the seven essential elements of parish life developed by their sub committee. The Seven elements that they presented were:

1. Community
2. Liturgy
3. Faith Formation
4. Stweardship
5. Leadership
6. Social Ministry
7. Spirituality

Each of these elements is Eucharist Centered. Additionally there are “Threads” – concepts that should be addressed throughout the seven elements. The Threads are:

• Evangelization
• Word/Gospel
• Diversity
• Hospitality
• Loving
• Prayer
• Youth
• Education
• Relationships

Dennis then led a discussion of the current urgent issues facing the parish.

• What is the goal for youth ministry?
• How does the Parish staff and the Pastoral Council interact?
• A full time associate pastor is at least 2 years out. There was then a discussion of the further role of the laity in the parish.