Saturday, March 05, 2005

March 2, 2005 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of the St. Therese Pastoral Council
March 2, 2005

The Pastoral Council met March 2, 2005 in the St. Therese Parish and Education Center. Pris Pawlikowski, Dennis Meier, Steve Hilliard, Wayne Schnieder, Tom Skorupa, Linda Winter, Damian Gerstner, Fr. Mike Roach, Joe Doetzl, Nancy Fahey, and Linda Albani were present.

Facilitators: Damian Gerstner and Dennis Meier
Prayer: Steve Hilliard
Scribe: Joe Doetzl

Steve led a Gospel reflection and prayer.

Damian led a discussion of the latest version of the timeline and the bulletin insert describing the 7 essential elements.

Tom agreed to edit the letter to all parishioners to remove the background information. This information will be included elsewhere in the pamphlet to be mailed home.

Pris agreed to collect demographic and historical data. Some of which may be used in a “Did you Know Section” in the bulletin.

There was a discussion of the appropriateness of presenting the essential elements and the request for feedback during the homily. The council did not reach a consensus regarding this point.

Dennis presented a brief overview of the database software used at Synergy for managing their strategic plan. The software looked promising and Dennis agreed to make it available for use by the Pastoral Council.

The next meeting is 3/16/2005 at 6:30. Damian will facilitate, Linda Winter will lead prayer and Linda Albani will scribe.

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