Wednesday, April 20, 2005

April 20, 2005 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of the St. Therese Pastoral Council
April 20, 2005

The Pastoral Council met April 20, 2005 in the St. Therese Parish and Education Center. Wayne Schnieder, Steve Hilliard, Dennis Meier, Damian Gerstner, Linda Albani, Nancy Fahey, Tom Skorupa, Pris Pawlikowski, Linda Winter, Fr. Mike Roach, and Joe Doetzl were present.

Facilitator: Dennis Meier
Prayer: Steve Hilliard and Wayne Schnieder
Scribe: Joe Doetzl

Steve and Wayne opened the meeting with a prayer.

Dennis led a discussion of general impressions from our reading of the comments received from the survey sent to all parishioners.

The following phrases were captured on an easel board:

Access to Resources
Lost in the crowd
Many are in pain – need to address
Unique Stories – How to get to “Know”?
Small groups to balance size
Welcoming/Not Welcoming
Difficult to focus on all elements
Lack of community
Issues of leadership and organization
Develop goals in other elements that develop community
Focus on Faith Formation
Adults need instruction to teach children
Threats come from “outside”
Blessed with wealth/Can be a threat if not used properly
Responses affirm that each element is essential
People want to be loved
People want to “belong” and be “valued”
Faith Formation
People will participate when they are filled with the Spirit
Tap into “need”
Divorce outreach
Economic segregation
Labeling – as a way of limiting access
Orientation for new members
Respond to those who want, need follow-up on feedback

We then had a discussion on “unity”.

The next meeting is scheduled for 6:30 May 4, 2005. Pris will lead prayer and Dennis will facilitate.

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