Goal - To live Christ's message in helping the poor and need in our city and our world.
Damian's Opinion - I couldn't think of a good way to intertwine this with the other Goals. Yet, I felt the responses were significant enough that they could not be ignored. In the end, I decided to let this goal stand alone.
While I don't want to diminish this Goal area, I do think that the other goals are higher up in the pecking order. We shouldn't let the other goals stop us from working on this Goal, but I think it will be difficult to fully realize this goal until the other Goals are realized.
Potential Objectives Fitting this Goal Area
The following suggestions from the parishioner surveys are relevant to this particular Goal Area, and should be considered if we move forward with this Goal Area.
Adopt a Town or Parish - Several people felt like we ought to reach outside our parish to support people less fortunate. Suggestions include a town in Mexico, the diocese in Peru, a foreign mission, or an inner city parish in the Kansas City area.
Annual Report Card on Helping the Poor - One person suggested having an annual report card on what we do already, so that people are aware of it. If we did this, I think we would have to also state what we don't do - yet.
Staff Member Focused on Social Ministry - I'm sure the idea here is that more would happen if we had someone focused on Social Ministry. Perhaps this can be addressed in reorganization rather than by hiring someone new, at least for now.
Annual Walk/Run for Charitable Cause - Parish could sponsor event to benefit external charity.
Start St. Therese Soup Kitchen - Someone would like to see this. We'd have to decide whether resources are better utilized in starting a new one, or supporting one that exists.
Garage Sale for the Poor - Someone suggested having an annual garage sale and donating the proceeds to the poor.
Fair Wages for Parish Staff - I couldn't tell you whether the wages are fair or not. I would have to agree that before we educated people on Catholic Social Teaching, I would want to make sure that all employees are paid a "living wage". If we can't model the behavior we are asking of our parishioners, then they won't believe the message.
One last word from Damian - I want to re-emphasize something this thought of modeling the behavior we desire from our parishioners. To me this is a tenet of very high order - I try to live it daily and find it is imperative I do this to be successful at work. If I cannot do what I am asking my people to do, then I lack credibility. If I lack credibility, I'll have a hard time leading my people and gain their support for our vision.
The same goes for our parish. When we look at all the goals, it is very important we model the behavior we are asking of our parish. If we ask them to tithe, then we (the parish) needs to tithe (however we define that for the parish - perhaps its the diocesan "tax"?). If we ask them to support Social Ministry, but then have no one responsible for this Goal Area on staff, then will they really believe we think it is important? Sometimes, our actions are the most important form of communication...
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Goal Area #3 - Emphasizing Faith Formation
Goal - To establish systematic methods of lifelong Catholic faith formation that are broadly utilized within the parish.
Damian's Opinion - I have to admit that our last two meetings were somewhat difficult and frustrating at times. But once we reached our breakthrough at the end of the last meeting, it enabled me to read the surveys in a way I had not before. There were a number of comments I had discounted or ignored before, but now they really grabbed my attention. I see more what Steve saw.
There's no doubt people believe that Faith Formation is a major need. I believe that people's concept of what Faith Formation will differ greatly. Some want classes, while others want it all from the pulpit. The fact of the matter is that we have to use a lot of different methods to reach people, and do so in a way that engages them.
I believe that to effectively reach this goal, we must also address Goals #1 & #2. If people do not feel welcome, they will find difficulty in participating in Faith Formation efforts. If our parish and our Faith Formation efforts are poorly organized, participation will quickly diminish. That's not to say that one has to be addressed before the other. In fact, I can foresee that some Faith Formation efforts could make the parish more welcoming. I just believe that they need to be worked on together.
I should also note that I have decided to put issues related to Youth Ministry in this section. To me, all the responses regarding Youth seemed to lead to having good Faith Formation for Youth. Sure, they may want to have additional fun activities for the kids, but only because they believe that will help keep them involved with Faith Formation.
Potential Objectives Fitting this Goal Area
Once again, I noted the following specific suggestions from the surveys. I would suggest that these could be a starting place for discussion when developing objectives for this goal area.
Use USCCB Material for Faith Formation - This is more of a personal observation. We often struggle with how to develop Faith Formation programs on specific topics like Youth or Stewardship. We need to keep in mind that the USCCB has excellent resources for these efforts and should at least consult them.
Educate People on and Pray for Vocations - several people felt disappointed that no priests or deacons seem to be coming from our parish. I have observed my parents parish, which places vocations as a higher priority than our parish seems to. That parish (Topeka Christ the King) has hosted African priests for up to 2 years at a time. At every Mass, a prayer for vocations is recited by the parish, just after Communion. I'm certain I have witnessed at least one homily about vocations. Perhaps we need to add some or all of these to our parish.
Improve Baptism Class - at least one person felt the Baptism Class was lacking because it did not talk about the significance of different elements of the sacrament. Perhaps our leaders are not given enough training to do this properly.
Small Christian Communities - I understand that some SCCs exist. I get the feeling they were developed as part of a past program. I'm doubting that any new ones have been developed in years. Certainly some new people know nothing about them.
Educate about Mass during Mass - one person suggested using one Mass a month to educate people about different parts of the Mass - why we do things a certain way.
Youth Vegetable Garden - someone suggested having a youth vegetable garden, with the produce being donated to a charitable kitchen. This can be a faith formation opportunity, as well as a Social Ministry opportunity.
Faith Formation Beyond Confirmation - We have talked about this frequently enough. We need something that keeps our kids engaged in faith formation beyond Confirmation. The attitude that "now we are done" has often carried over into adulthood for many people.
Brochure Advertising Youth Programs / Opportunities - the bulletin does a better job of this than it used to. Still, it is suggested that we have a special brochure available to help people understand what programs are available for their youth. We may decide to extend this to all areas of faith formation.
Hire Full Time Youth Minister - no explanation needed.
Sunday Evening Mass - Masses are often too crowded now. A Sunday evening Mass would appeal to certain demographics, and would provide a fitting end to the weekend, in the opinion of at least survey respondent.
Policy About Liturgical Ministers - While convenient for some people, we should perhaps have a policy that a person is not to be a Lector and a Communion Minister. It gives a perception that a select few are allowed to do these tasks.
More Reconciliation Opportunities - Many people would like to have Reconciliation available more often. I can't tell if they want it for themselves or for others. I noted that it is always available by appointment, but perhaps people don't feel comfortable making that request to the priest.
Weeknight Mass - one person thought a regular weeknight Mass would be helpful, since not everyone can go to morning weekday Masses because of work schedules.
Eucharistic Minister Training - one person observed that Eucharistic Ministers may not be trained properly, especially with regard to Eucharist dropped on the floor.
Faithful Implementation of the GIRM - I believe there was significant reference to this issue in the survey.
Make Missals Available - If they are already available, people don't know about it. I think some believe that having them in the pews is a good Faith Formation tool. I do recall reading through them when I was William's age. I believe that William would pay more attention if he could follow along with the readings - he's so fascinated with reading right now. I think a lot of Youth would use them.
Damian's Opinion - I have to admit that our last two meetings were somewhat difficult and frustrating at times. But once we reached our breakthrough at the end of the last meeting, it enabled me to read the surveys in a way I had not before. There were a number of comments I had discounted or ignored before, but now they really grabbed my attention. I see more what Steve saw.
There's no doubt people believe that Faith Formation is a major need. I believe that people's concept of what Faith Formation will differ greatly. Some want classes, while others want it all from the pulpit. The fact of the matter is that we have to use a lot of different methods to reach people, and do so in a way that engages them.
I believe that to effectively reach this goal, we must also address Goals #1 & #2. If people do not feel welcome, they will find difficulty in participating in Faith Formation efforts. If our parish and our Faith Formation efforts are poorly organized, participation will quickly diminish. That's not to say that one has to be addressed before the other. In fact, I can foresee that some Faith Formation efforts could make the parish more welcoming. I just believe that they need to be worked on together.
I should also note that I have decided to put issues related to Youth Ministry in this section. To me, all the responses regarding Youth seemed to lead to having good Faith Formation for Youth. Sure, they may want to have additional fun activities for the kids, but only because they believe that will help keep them involved with Faith Formation.
Potential Objectives Fitting this Goal Area
Once again, I noted the following specific suggestions from the surveys. I would suggest that these could be a starting place for discussion when developing objectives for this goal area.
Use USCCB Material for Faith Formation - This is more of a personal observation. We often struggle with how to develop Faith Formation programs on specific topics like Youth or Stewardship. We need to keep in mind that the USCCB has excellent resources for these efforts and should at least consult them.
Educate People on and Pray for Vocations - several people felt disappointed that no priests or deacons seem to be coming from our parish. I have observed my parents parish, which places vocations as a higher priority than our parish seems to. That parish (Topeka Christ the King) has hosted African priests for up to 2 years at a time. At every Mass, a prayer for vocations is recited by the parish, just after Communion. I'm certain I have witnessed at least one homily about vocations. Perhaps we need to add some or all of these to our parish.
Improve Baptism Class - at least one person felt the Baptism Class was lacking because it did not talk about the significance of different elements of the sacrament. Perhaps our leaders are not given enough training to do this properly.
Small Christian Communities - I understand that some SCCs exist. I get the feeling they were developed as part of a past program. I'm doubting that any new ones have been developed in years. Certainly some new people know nothing about them.
Educate about Mass during Mass - one person suggested using one Mass a month to educate people about different parts of the Mass - why we do things a certain way.
Youth Vegetable Garden - someone suggested having a youth vegetable garden, with the produce being donated to a charitable kitchen. This can be a faith formation opportunity, as well as a Social Ministry opportunity.
Faith Formation Beyond Confirmation - We have talked about this frequently enough. We need something that keeps our kids engaged in faith formation beyond Confirmation. The attitude that "now we are done" has often carried over into adulthood for many people.
Brochure Advertising Youth Programs / Opportunities - the bulletin does a better job of this than it used to. Still, it is suggested that we have a special brochure available to help people understand what programs are available for their youth. We may decide to extend this to all areas of faith formation.
Hire Full Time Youth Minister - no explanation needed.
Sunday Evening Mass - Masses are often too crowded now. A Sunday evening Mass would appeal to certain demographics, and would provide a fitting end to the weekend, in the opinion of at least survey respondent.
Policy About Liturgical Ministers - While convenient for some people, we should perhaps have a policy that a person is not to be a Lector and a Communion Minister. It gives a perception that a select few are allowed to do these tasks.
More Reconciliation Opportunities - Many people would like to have Reconciliation available more often. I can't tell if they want it for themselves or for others. I noted that it is always available by appointment, but perhaps people don't feel comfortable making that request to the priest.
Weeknight Mass - one person thought a regular weeknight Mass would be helpful, since not everyone can go to morning weekday Masses because of work schedules.
Eucharistic Minister Training - one person observed that Eucharistic Ministers may not be trained properly, especially with regard to Eucharist dropped on the floor.
Faithful Implementation of the GIRM - I believe there was significant reference to this issue in the survey.
Make Missals Available - If they are already available, people don't know about it. I think some believe that having them in the pews is a good Faith Formation tool. I do recall reading through them when I was William's age. I believe that William would pay more attention if he could follow along with the readings - he's so fascinated with reading right now. I think a lot of Youth would use them.
Friday, May 13, 2005
Goal Area #2 - Improving Leadership
Goal - To improve ministry effectiveness by re-evaluating the parish staff organization and leadership.
Damian's Opinion - In terms of survey responses, I can't say that the quantity of responses justifies listing this goal ahead of Goal #3 (which addresses thoughts that Steve brought up in our last two meetings). However, in my view, this goal has a higher priority than #3 and perhaps equals #1 in priority, only because I feel that we must make some changes in the way our parish staff is organized and in the way we handle ministries. If we don't take care of that first, I feel that some of our efforts on other goals will be canceled out by "leadership" issues.
No one should take my thoughts as a personal critique of individuals or in leadership in general. I use the term leadership in the spirit our 7 elements. I believe that fast growth of our parish & its staff has caused some unintended inefficiencies or deficiencies. We need to correct these issues so that we can tackle our other goals (and perhaps improve job satisfaction among staff members).
Potential Objectives Fitting this Goal Area
Once again, I noted the following specific suggestions from the surveys. I would suggest that these could be a starting place for discussion when developing objectives for this goal area.
Ministry Organizational Chart - this has been mentioned so many times, I think it goes without saying. As we do this, I think we need to consider reorganizing staff member responsibilities so that each ministry has someone on staff that is familiar with its work, mission, and current state. We may also decide that perhaps it makes sense to combine a couple ministries together. This would be a very delicate dance, to make sure we don't disillusion anyone if we reorganize in some fashion.
Develop Process for Forming New Ministries - in the past, the process has been to allow ministries to form as needed, perhaps without direct support from staff or other ministries. By pairing new ministry hopefuls (such as the opportunity to support the diocese in Peru) with established ministries and staff members, we give the new ministry the best chance for it to succeed and assure that the activities are coordinated among other groups. Once the ministry has a strong foundation and had processes in place for succession planning, perhaps it can branch out on its own. We need to make sure that we do what we can to assure that ministries are "built to last".
Frame Everything in Terms of Vision - we have a vision statement on paper, but we don't hear much about it outside of the prayers of the faithful. If we believe in the vision statement, we need to integrate it into the way we organize our parish staff, how we organize and direct our ministries, and how we talk to our parishioners. If we can't do that, perhaps our vision statement is wrong.
Have Periodic Ministry Leadership Meetings - the purpose of these meetings would be to give brief updates so that ministries know what's happening with other ministry groups.
Designate Someone as the "Guru" on the Parish Staff - that's the best name I can come up with. In the surveys, a couple people indicate frustration because they ask to help in a ministry, or have a problem with parish records, so they call the parish. Whoever they talk with either doesn't know what to do, doesn't know who to call, or says they will do something but nothing gets done. The parishioner may try more than once to resolve the issue, but it never happens. I've personally met someone in the parish that had this experience. There needs to be at least one "know-it-all" who can make sure these things are taken care of. Either that, or someone who already has this "job description" isn't getting the job done. The net result is a bad "customer experience" for our parishioner.
Improve Parish Staff Communications Skills - some people want more to be communicated. Others want it to be accurate. There have been a couple communications I have observed that give mixed signals to parishioners and am willing to talk about "offline" from this blog.
Rent a Priest - a number of responses lamented the lack of availability of a priest for reconciliation and other needs. People also don't want to wear the priests we have out. We've discussed before the possibility of "renting" a priest, so I added that idea to this list.
Open Accounting - the Finance Council has to find ways to communicate its finances to parishioners in a variety of ways. Some don't care about the details, but others do. When we can't provide them, it gives the appearance that something distrustful MIGHT be going on.
Related Financial Goals to Vision / Goals - if we state a vision or goal, but money is spent differently, then we are communicating mixed messages to parishioners.
Stewardship Fair - Perhaps this goes better under welcoming, but a number of people have suggested having a stewardship fair to make people aware of what the parish has to offer and get others involved. Some examples have been made of places that make it a true "fair" with games and/or rides for kids, treats, etc.
What Do We DO With Our Money - we talk about our needs, but we don't often make what we DO with our money a personal story for our parishioners. If we can somehow personalize what we do with our finances, more people would support our efforts. Also, the parish should frame the charitable support we give other organization as our parish tithe - and it should probably be at least 5%. This models the behavior we seek from our parishioners.
Damian's Opinion - In terms of survey responses, I can't say that the quantity of responses justifies listing this goal ahead of Goal #3 (which addresses thoughts that Steve brought up in our last two meetings). However, in my view, this goal has a higher priority than #3 and perhaps equals #1 in priority, only because I feel that we must make some changes in the way our parish staff is organized and in the way we handle ministries. If we don't take care of that first, I feel that some of our efforts on other goals will be canceled out by "leadership" issues.
No one should take my thoughts as a personal critique of individuals or in leadership in general. I use the term leadership in the spirit our 7 elements. I believe that fast growth of our parish & its staff has caused some unintended inefficiencies or deficiencies. We need to correct these issues so that we can tackle our other goals (and perhaps improve job satisfaction among staff members).
Potential Objectives Fitting this Goal Area
Once again, I noted the following specific suggestions from the surveys. I would suggest that these could be a starting place for discussion when developing objectives for this goal area.
Ministry Organizational Chart - this has been mentioned so many times, I think it goes without saying. As we do this, I think we need to consider reorganizing staff member responsibilities so that each ministry has someone on staff that is familiar with its work, mission, and current state. We may also decide that perhaps it makes sense to combine a couple ministries together. This would be a very delicate dance, to make sure we don't disillusion anyone if we reorganize in some fashion.
Develop Process for Forming New Ministries - in the past, the process has been to allow ministries to form as needed, perhaps without direct support from staff or other ministries. By pairing new ministry hopefuls (such as the opportunity to support the diocese in Peru) with established ministries and staff members, we give the new ministry the best chance for it to succeed and assure that the activities are coordinated among other groups. Once the ministry has a strong foundation and had processes in place for succession planning, perhaps it can branch out on its own. We need to make sure that we do what we can to assure that ministries are "built to last".
Frame Everything in Terms of Vision - we have a vision statement on paper, but we don't hear much about it outside of the prayers of the faithful. If we believe in the vision statement, we need to integrate it into the way we organize our parish staff, how we organize and direct our ministries, and how we talk to our parishioners. If we can't do that, perhaps our vision statement is wrong.
Have Periodic Ministry Leadership Meetings - the purpose of these meetings would be to give brief updates so that ministries know what's happening with other ministry groups.
Designate Someone as the "Guru" on the Parish Staff - that's the best name I can come up with. In the surveys, a couple people indicate frustration because they ask to help in a ministry, or have a problem with parish records, so they call the parish. Whoever they talk with either doesn't know what to do, doesn't know who to call, or says they will do something but nothing gets done. The parishioner may try more than once to resolve the issue, but it never happens. I've personally met someone in the parish that had this experience. There needs to be at least one "know-it-all" who can make sure these things are taken care of. Either that, or someone who already has this "job description" isn't getting the job done. The net result is a bad "customer experience" for our parishioner.
Improve Parish Staff Communications Skills - some people want more to be communicated. Others want it to be accurate. There have been a couple communications I have observed that give mixed signals to parishioners and am willing to talk about "offline" from this blog.
Rent a Priest - a number of responses lamented the lack of availability of a priest for reconciliation and other needs. People also don't want to wear the priests we have out. We've discussed before the possibility of "renting" a priest, so I added that idea to this list.
Open Accounting - the Finance Council has to find ways to communicate its finances to parishioners in a variety of ways. Some don't care about the details, but others do. When we can't provide them, it gives the appearance that something distrustful MIGHT be going on.
Related Financial Goals to Vision / Goals - if we state a vision or goal, but money is spent differently, then we are communicating mixed messages to parishioners.
Stewardship Fair - Perhaps this goes better under welcoming, but a number of people have suggested having a stewardship fair to make people aware of what the parish has to offer and get others involved. Some examples have been made of places that make it a true "fair" with games and/or rides for kids, treats, etc.
What Do We DO With Our Money - we talk about our needs, but we don't often make what we DO with our money a personal story for our parishioners. If we can somehow personalize what we do with our finances, more people would support our efforts. Also, the parish should frame the charitable support we give other organization as our parish tithe - and it should probably be at least 5%. This models the behavior we seek from our parishioners.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Goal Area #1 - Being More Welcoming
Goal - To make the community feel smaller and more close-knit by being more welcoming in all ministry areas.
Damian's Opinion - My overall sense in reading the surveys is that people feel somewhat anonymous because they are just one of 10,000 people. Because of this anonymity and the large parish, it is easy to believe that someone else will become involved, and therefore I don't have to. From my view, this then leads to a lack of participation in special services, faith formation programs, many worthy ministries, and stewardship. If people feel connected to one another, they feel a greater sense of obligation to each other; this ultimately will lead to greater participation in areas that currently are lacking. In my opinion, if we neglect this particular goal area, we will find our job in other goal areas much more difficult.
Potential Objectives Fitting This Goal Area
I noted the following specific suggestions from the surveys. I would suggest that these could be a starting place for discussion when developing objectives for this goal area.
Develop small groups, such as support groups for divorced adults - the thought here is that small groups with common interests help break down the size of the parish. Several people suggested support for divorced adults and for young married adults. I believe that these suggestions also fit the category of Pastoral Care.
Visit every parishioner at least once per year - Wow! What a challenge! Still, imagine how much more personal the parish would seem if we were all visited by a priest, deacon, or staff member once per year. Wouldn't you feel more connected and obligated to at least one more person? On the practical side, this type of visit would also help the parish become more aware of the specific needs of its members, and allow a chance to update parish records.
Every new family is welcomed formally into the parish - this could be like the welcoming program Joe talked about at one of our meetings. This could also be an announcement at Mass. By welcoming people personally, we can find out their needs and what they can provide. This is similar to the previous objective...
Invite people to participate in Ministry - many people won't step forward to participate, unless they are asked. We have to develop successful ways of asking people to participate (this could also tie to stewardship). People feel more welcome and connected when someone asks them to help out.
Develop an outreach to Park University - college is a tremendously important time of faith formation for young adults. In addition, there are a significant number of international students at Park. This objective could help us practice being welcoming, and make us more welcoming to our public community.
Have fun together - someone noted the camaraderie they felt at a previous parish because of a parish volleyball team. There's no doubt that our community can become closer through prayer, ministry, etc. But I also believe that having fun together is also a way to build community. If we don't want to have our own tournaments or leagues, can we somehow become a resource for helping people to find community teams or activities and have fun together?
Develop org chart / ministry listing / youth program listing - we've talked about this for years. We need to do it. While it is especially important to new parishioners, sooner or later we all need to tap into the deep resources within St. Therese. It is frustrating when you find out a resource was available, but no one knew it was there. Having this list (and/or having someone responsible for keeping it fresh) would make this easier. Another point was made about the freshness of the information (JUMP still on Sunday night?). We need to have a good way to print these lists "on demand", or at least in small quantities so that they can be kept fresh at minimal cost.
Communicating in many ways - we need to have information available in as many was as feasible - the web, bulletin, e-mail, etc. We have a better chance of reaching people in our community if we communicate in ways that are the most useful to them.
Weeknight community night - one survey talked about picking one night a week that people get together to talk, share experiences, have fun, etc. I gathered that the meetings were weakly structured, but had enough substance to give people benefit.
Damian's Opinion - My overall sense in reading the surveys is that people feel somewhat anonymous because they are just one of 10,000 people. Because of this anonymity and the large parish, it is easy to believe that someone else will become involved, and therefore I don't have to. From my view, this then leads to a lack of participation in special services, faith formation programs, many worthy ministries, and stewardship. If people feel connected to one another, they feel a greater sense of obligation to each other; this ultimately will lead to greater participation in areas that currently are lacking. In my opinion, if we neglect this particular goal area, we will find our job in other goal areas much more difficult.
Potential Objectives Fitting This Goal Area
I noted the following specific suggestions from the surveys. I would suggest that these could be a starting place for discussion when developing objectives for this goal area.
Develop small groups, such as support groups for divorced adults - the thought here is that small groups with common interests help break down the size of the parish. Several people suggested support for divorced adults and for young married adults. I believe that these suggestions also fit the category of Pastoral Care.
Visit every parishioner at least once per year - Wow! What a challenge! Still, imagine how much more personal the parish would seem if we were all visited by a priest, deacon, or staff member once per year. Wouldn't you feel more connected and obligated to at least one more person? On the practical side, this type of visit would also help the parish become more aware of the specific needs of its members, and allow a chance to update parish records.
Every new family is welcomed formally into the parish - this could be like the welcoming program Joe talked about at one of our meetings. This could also be an announcement at Mass. By welcoming people personally, we can find out their needs and what they can provide. This is similar to the previous objective...
Invite people to participate in Ministry - many people won't step forward to participate, unless they are asked. We have to develop successful ways of asking people to participate (this could also tie to stewardship). People feel more welcome and connected when someone asks them to help out.
Develop an outreach to Park University - college is a tremendously important time of faith formation for young adults. In addition, there are a significant number of international students at Park. This objective could help us practice being welcoming, and make us more welcoming to our public community.
Have fun together - someone noted the camaraderie they felt at a previous parish because of a parish volleyball team. There's no doubt that our community can become closer through prayer, ministry, etc. But I also believe that having fun together is also a way to build community. If we don't want to have our own tournaments or leagues, can we somehow become a resource for helping people to find community teams or activities and have fun together?
Develop org chart / ministry listing / youth program listing - we've talked about this for years. We need to do it. While it is especially important to new parishioners, sooner or later we all need to tap into the deep resources within St. Therese. It is frustrating when you find out a resource was available, but no one knew it was there. Having this list (and/or having someone responsible for keeping it fresh) would make this easier. Another point was made about the freshness of the information (JUMP still on Sunday night?). We need to have a good way to print these lists "on demand", or at least in small quantities so that they can be kept fresh at minimal cost.
Communicating in many ways - we need to have information available in as many was as feasible - the web, bulletin, e-mail, etc. We have a better chance of reaching people in our community if we communicate in ways that are the most useful to them.
Weeknight community night - one survey talked about picking one night a week that people get together to talk, share experiences, have fun, etc. I gathered that the meetings were weakly structured, but had enough substance to give people benefit.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Some "Simple Actions" To Take
When I look at a lot of the ideas that people have, most strike me as issues to deal with in the long term. However, there is a certain set of ideas that seem like something we can do now, without waiting for goal areas to be defined.
While some ideas require little or no commentary, there are some that I would say that simply fit the idea of "giving advice to the pastor" - something our council is charged with doing.
Please treat this list of ideas as a list of what made an impact on Damian. In some cases, I may choose to give Fr. Mike my own personal opinion, regardless of what the Council would say, and on others, I'm willing to let you shape my opinion. Perhaps you will understand further what I am meaning as I go through the ideas.
Here is a list of ideas that could be implemented with little or no planning:
While some ideas require little or no commentary, there are some that I would say that simply fit the idea of "giving advice to the pastor" - something our council is charged with doing.
Please treat this list of ideas as a list of what made an impact on Damian. In some cases, I may choose to give Fr. Mike my own personal opinion, regardless of what the Council would say, and on others, I'm willing to let you shape my opinion. Perhaps you will understand further what I am meaning as I go through the ideas.
Here is a list of ideas that could be implemented with little or no planning:
- Parish Phone Number - When you dial the parish office number at 741-2800, you currently get a recorded message, regardless of when you call. I agree with one parishioner that this is very impersonal. It is possible to design the phone system so that it is normally answered by a person, but rolls over to a recording if the person can't get to the phone immediately. Another scenario is to have 2 different phone lines. The main phone line which is answered by a person and a second that allows people to dial directly to the person they want to by bypassing the operator. Either of these two scenarios is better than the current situation in my opinion, and would help may the community feel more welcoming than it does today.
- Vocations - I believe it would be easy to work in prayers about vocations, either as a Prayer of the Faithful, or as a special parish prayer after Communion. I also believe that the pastor or deacon should talk about vocations on some frequency in their homily. I cannot recall the last time I have heard vocations discussed by a priest during Mass - either here or St. Patrick.
- Church Design - there were a number of references about the design of the church. Many seemed misinformed to me. At my sister-in-law's parish (St. Theresa, Austin, TX), they recently built a new church. When the new church opened, they published a little pamphlet describing why elements of the church were designed as they were. That pamphlet also addressed appropriate dress at church (see below). For some people, it won't matter what church document you followed in designing the church, but for many, it will matter. Without this information, people make their own assumptions, which often are incorrect.
- Appropriate Dress - again, a number of references to the inappropriate dress and inappropriate behavior they see in church. While I believe that there are more critical issues that need to be addressed in the Catholic Church, I can also understand the concern people have. I think we would all agree that we shouldn't HAVE to tell people to not leave church early, to dress appropriately, to not talk during Mass, etc., the fact of the matter, we all need to be reminded of appropriate behavior now and again. I challenge Fr. Mike to address this issue in some part through his homilies. I think you will win over more people than you offend.
- Challenging Sermons - while I'm challenging Fr. Mike, I'd like to echo the sentiments that some have indicated in the surveys. I think we will all admit that we all have different gifts, even if we are priests (I'm not, by the way). Fr. Mike, I believe your gift is helping people to be introspective, to look within and analyze their faith. Having said that, you don't challenge people very often. While some in the surveys would say that you need to remind us of how we all sin (and that's one way to challenge people), I'd like to see you challenge us to action - whether it is to become involved in public decisions, help with food pantries, work with a mission, etc. There were things about Fr. Waris that really irritated me, but his gift was in challenging people to action. What a blessing it would be for you to occasionally challenge us in the way he does.
- The Koran - this was brought up often enough that we ought to address it somehow. I would guess that at least one person on our Council would have a problem referencing the Koran at all. My personal opinion is that we can learn things about our Catholic faith from all religions, but when we have to be careful when we use other resources without any explanation. I think at the least, we will need to make some statement about this issue so that people know we have heard their concern, and perhaps try to address their concern a little bit by providing context for its use.
- Expanding our Horizons - someone suggested having someone from the Police, City, or other public servant come talk to us about the demographic trends of our area. I think it makes sense to have a discussion like this at some time. It might help us think up some ideas we never considered.
- Church / Politics - several people were concerned about receiving the letter recommending that parishioners vote for certain people because of their stance on certain issues. The perception was that this was sanctioned by our parish. My understanding of the issue is such that the parish did not sanction or censure it, but I believe the parish provided the mailing list. If I would have been asked about the issue at the time, I probably would have recommended against giving out the mailing list. Again, I think we need to step forward and acknowledge this issue to the parish, and admit we made a mistake (if that is appropriate) or provide the logic behind any decisions made. This was a significant issue raised in the surveys, in my opinion.
- Ministry Mission - Some people recommend having specialized liturgies to cater to the likes of our community (such as taste in music). There are several like recommendations made in the surveys. People don't realize that some of these suggestions are directly against the core philosophy of the committees that are focusing on these issues. For instance, the Liturgy Committee has a specific philosophy to maintain a similar Mass structure and music through all the liturgies, in order to build a greater sense of community. When there are specialized liturgies, people tend to know few people because they only go to one liturgy. However, since we don't tell everybody about these philosophies or missions, we can't really expect them to know about them. It think it would be worthwhile for the mission statements or goals of each ministry area (if developed) to be published so that people can be aware of them if they choose.
- Scooting In - two different people mentioned that because people are forced to stand in some liturgies, even though seats are available, we are less welcoming as a community. Some of the comments struck at the core tendencies of some people who won't scoot in because they want to make the quick getaway after Communion. But I think it is easy for the pastor at crowded Masses to request that people scoot in, perhaps noting how it is a welcoming sign to those who are standing. Why not do it?
- How-to Cards - someone suggested a Reconciliation 'how-to' card. I don't know how big a need this is. But what could it hurt, especially for those that don't go that often?
- Vision Speak - This is not mentioned so much in the surveys, but I think of it after reading some things tonight. We have a vision statement. We hear a little bit about it during the prayers of the faithful. Other than that, we never hear it. I realize it takes time to learn new behaviors. So I challenge Fr. Mike, Fr. Pat, Deacon Tim, and the staff to talk about the vision statement publicly. If we can't work it into our sermons, or into the groups we are associated with on a regular basis, then perhaps we have the wrong vision statement, or perhaps these people don't believe in it. To make our vision real, we have to talk about it, live it. At least one person in the surveys is having a hard time with the vision statement. I wonder if they would feel the same way if elements of the vision statement were woven into our sermons and our liturgies...
That's enough for tonight. Tomorrow, I'll start on goal areas. Form my view, it may be hard to squeeze them down to fewer than 5. We'll see creative I can be.
Monday, May 09, 2005
A New Type of Strawman?
Dear Pastoral Council:
I thought I would try out using a weblog tool (or blog for short) to post some goal ideas. By doing it this way, it will enable each of you to comment on each idea, and allow us to save our thoughts in a central place.
Like all of you, this is kind of new to me, so I'm sure I'll be less efficient for a while. My hope is that we find it more useful over time.
Some preparatory thoughts before I start listing my ideas in separate posts...
In between our last two meetings, I felt I ought to be doing something with the questionnaires, so I started rereading them. I decided to keep track of some of the ideas that people gave within the surveys. Some of these ideas fit alongside certain goal tracks or the essential elements, so I organized them that way.
I also noted that there were several ideas that could be implemented immediately - there is no need to wait for strategic goals to be developed for some or all of them. For the moment, I call these "Quick Hitters".
I will list the Quick Hitters and each of my goal areas in a separate posting. This will allow you to comment individually on each one of them.
That's it for now. I'll post this, and notify you of the blog so that you can get logged on. I'll probably start posting some ideas tomorrow night.
Damian Gerstner
I thought I would try out using a weblog tool (or blog for short) to post some goal ideas. By doing it this way, it will enable each of you to comment on each idea, and allow us to save our thoughts in a central place.
Like all of you, this is kind of new to me, so I'm sure I'll be less efficient for a while. My hope is that we find it more useful over time.
Some preparatory thoughts before I start listing my ideas in separate posts...
In between our last two meetings, I felt I ought to be doing something with the questionnaires, so I started rereading them. I decided to keep track of some of the ideas that people gave within the surveys. Some of these ideas fit alongside certain goal tracks or the essential elements, so I organized them that way.
I also noted that there were several ideas that could be implemented immediately - there is no need to wait for strategic goals to be developed for some or all of them. For the moment, I call these "Quick Hitters".
I will list the Quick Hitters and each of my goal areas in a separate posting. This will allow you to comment individually on each one of them.
That's it for now. I'll post this, and notify you of the blog so that you can get logged on. I'll probably start posting some ideas tomorrow night.
Damian Gerstner
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
May 4, 2005 Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting of the St. Therese Pastoral Council
May 4, 2005
The Pastoral Council met May 4, 2005 in the St. Therese Parish and Education Center. Wayne Schnieder, Steve Hilliard, Dennis Meier, Damian Gerstner, Tom Skorupa, Pris Pawlikowski, Linda Winter, Fr. Mike Roach and Joe Doetzl were present.
Facilitator: Dennis Meier
Prayer: Pris Pawlikowski
Scribe: Joe Doetzl
Pris opened the meeting with a prayer.
Dennis facilitated a discussion of unity that carried over from the last meeting.
Linda discussed adopting a diocese in Peru and will send copies of a letter requesting support.
The next meeting is scheduled for 6:30 May 25, 2005. Damian will lead prayer and Dennis will facilitate. Joe will scribe. Agenda items proposed for the 5/25 meeting were:
The summer meeting schedule for the pastoral council.
Succession planning
Begin articulating goals
May 4, 2005
The Pastoral Council met May 4, 2005 in the St. Therese Parish and Education Center. Wayne Schnieder, Steve Hilliard, Dennis Meier, Damian Gerstner, Tom Skorupa, Pris Pawlikowski, Linda Winter, Fr. Mike Roach and Joe Doetzl were present.
Facilitator: Dennis Meier
Prayer: Pris Pawlikowski
Scribe: Joe Doetzl
Pris opened the meeting with a prayer.
Dennis facilitated a discussion of unity that carried over from the last meeting.
Linda discussed adopting a diocese in Peru and will send copies of a letter requesting support.
The next meeting is scheduled for 6:30 May 25, 2005. Damian will lead prayer and Dennis will facilitate. Joe will scribe. Agenda items proposed for the 5/25 meeting were:
The summer meeting schedule for the pastoral council.
Succession planning
Begin articulating goals
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