Sunday, May 15, 2005

Goal Area #4 - Looking Outward

Goal - To live Christ's message in helping the poor and need in our city and our world.

Damian's Opinion - I couldn't think of a good way to intertwine this with the other Goals. Yet, I felt the responses were significant enough that they could not be ignored. In the end, I decided to let this goal stand alone.

While I don't want to diminish this Goal area, I do think that the other goals are higher up in the pecking order. We shouldn't let the other goals stop us from working on this Goal, but I think it will be difficult to fully realize this goal until the other Goals are realized.

Potential Objectives Fitting this Goal Area
The following suggestions from the parishioner surveys are relevant to this particular Goal Area, and should be considered if we move forward with this Goal Area.

Adopt a Town or Parish - Several people felt like we ought to reach outside our parish to support people less fortunate. Suggestions include a town in Mexico, the diocese in Peru, a foreign mission, or an inner city parish in the Kansas City area.

Annual Report Card on Helping the Poor - One person suggested having an annual report card on what we do already, so that people are aware of it. If we did this, I think we would have to also state what we don't do - yet.

Staff Member Focused on Social Ministry - I'm sure the idea here is that more would happen if we had someone focused on Social Ministry. Perhaps this can be addressed in reorganization rather than by hiring someone new, at least for now.

Annual Walk/Run for Charitable Cause - Parish could sponsor event to benefit external charity.

Start St. Therese Soup Kitchen - Someone would like to see this. We'd have to decide whether resources are better utilized in starting a new one, or supporting one that exists.

Garage Sale for the Poor - Someone suggested having an annual garage sale and donating the proceeds to the poor.

Fair Wages for Parish Staff - I couldn't tell you whether the wages are fair or not. I would have to agree that before we educated people on Catholic Social Teaching, I would want to make sure that all employees are paid a "living wage". If we can't model the behavior we are asking of our parishioners, then they won't believe the message.

One last word from Damian - I want to re-emphasize something this thought of modeling the behavior we desire from our parishioners. To me this is a tenet of very high order - I try to live it daily and find it is imperative I do this to be successful at work. If I cannot do what I am asking my people to do, then I lack credibility. If I lack credibility, I'll have a hard time leading my people and gain their support for our vision.

The same goes for our parish. When we look at all the goals, it is very important we model the behavior we are asking of our parish. If we ask them to tithe, then we (the parish) needs to tithe (however we define that for the parish - perhaps its the diocesan "tax"?). If we ask them to support Social Ministry, but then have no one responsible for this Goal Area on staff, then will they really believe we think it is important? Sometimes, our actions are the most important form of communication...

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