Thursday, June 03, 2004

June 3, 2004 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of the St. Therese Pastoral Council
June 3, 2004

The Pastoral Council met June 3rd, 2004 in the Wooldridge Center. Dennis Meier, Nancy Fahey, Tom Skorupa, Pris Pawlikowski, Steve Hilliard, Joe Doetzl, Damian Gerstner, Wayne Snyder, Linda Winter, Linda Albani and Fr. Mike Roach were present.

Facilitators: Steve Hilliard & Nancy Fahey
Scribe: Joe Doetzl

We opened the meeting with a reflection on a reading from Romans 5:1-5.

Nancy presented a brief background on Vision and Mission Statements.

A Vision Statement is:
· what your organization wants to become
· a dream
· more vague and less precise than a mission statement
· simple

A Mission Statement is:
· precise description of what an organization does
· the reason you are in business
· the reason why you are

Steve Hilliard then provided a background on value statements and charism.

A Value Statement:
· consists of traits or qualities considered worthwhile
· defines how people want to behave together
· represents values held be most involved

· is a gift from God to the Church for the world
· is the way a group is called to follow Christ
· is the way we emphasize given elements
· give a group unique feel

After a discussion of the meaning and relationship of these statements to one another the group decided to use a nominal group technique (facilitated by Nancy and Steve) to attempt to form a “Charismatic vison statement for St. Therese Parish”.

Each member present recorded five elements that they felt should be included in the vision statement. These were elements were then categorized into groups. Upon reaching a stopping point the group had the following charts of elements organized into broad categories:

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