Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Proposed Strategic Goals

St. Therese
Long Range Plan 2005 - 2008

Strategic Goals 2005 - 2008
· To develop and integrate a ministry of welcoming and hospitality in each area of service, liturgy, education, pastoral care, and administrative leadership

· To refine and enhance the organizational structures which facilitate communication, leadership, and administrative support for all ministries of the parish.

· To cultivate a commitment of stewardship among all members of the parish to support the development of human, spiritual, and financial resources.

· To expand and enhance faith formation activities for all ages (which develops an awareness of the Real presence of Christ in the Eucharist) and supports the spiritual growth of each parish member.

· To expand outreach activities and services to build an awareness of and responsiveness to social justice issues.

· To sustain the commitment to provide and/or support a high quality Catholic education for all children of the parish.

As we discussed at our last meeting, the goal statements above identify some of the key areas of growth, quality, and support for the St. Therese community. The assignment for each group is to review, revise, edit, add to, or delete from these goal statements. These statements are truly a first draft version and need refinement. In the end, each goal statement should support our Vision statement, promote the Seven Essential Elements, and provide a core direction for leadership and tactical planning.

After your group meets, please email your versions of the goal statements to me. We will then have four, second-draft versions and we will see how much variation there is among them. Hopefully we can finalize the goal statements at our next meeting.


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